Shop online: components for steel railings, handrails, sliding doors kits made in Italy

Shopping guide

All the items available on this online shop are made by Fer Metal in Italy. The details of each item are indicated in the product sheet.
Payment Methods
We accept the following payment methods: credit cards, Pay Pal, advance bank transfer. If payment is made by bank transfer in advance, the order will be sent only once the amount due has been actually credited to the Fer Metal current account.

Data for the bank transfer:
Account older: Fer Metal di Feriseri Francesco & C. Snc
La Cassa Rurale – Agenzia di Agnosine
IBAN: IT8 N 08078 55040 000015551379
Payment reference: order number shown in the order confirmation email.
Shipping time and cost in UE
We sell our items in UE. Deliveries take place from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Shipping costs change based on the total weight of the purchased items:
From 0 to 15 Kg: € 42
From 15,01 to 30 Kg: € 43
From 30,01 to 50 Kg: € 46
Over 50 Kg: € 1 for each additional Kg

Delivery times:
UE whitin 10 working days (for items with special stains 15 whitin working days)
Tax documents related to orders will be issued by Fer Metal at the time of dispatching products to the customers. The invoice will be issued by Fer Metal di Feriseri Francesco & C. Snc. The customer will have to indicate the exact necessary data and the billing address.
Customer Service
Our customer service is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 12.30 and 14.00 to 17:00.
Contacts: Ph. +39.0365.896168 |